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Book of Abstracts

This is a web view of the BH7 Book of Abstracts.
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1. Exploring Archaeology as a Global Science

Keynote lecture: FRANGIPANE, Marcella

Archaeology as a ‘global’ science. Overcoming disciplinary boundaries in the era of hyper specialisation for a comprehensive reconstruction of past societies

The substantial change that has been experienced by archaeology in recent decades has involved, among other things, the importance gained in archaeological research by the contribution of other sciences and the ever more widespread awareness of the need for regular interaction with them. The researc…

ASLAN, Alper

Long-Term Population Dynamics and Human-Environment Interactions from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age in Eastern Anatolian Highlands, Türkiye.

This study will explore the long-term population dynamics and human-environment interactions in the Eastern Anatolian Highlands, from the Chalcolithic Age (c. 5000-3500 BCE) to the Iron Age (c.1200-330 BCE). The mountainous geography and harsh climatic conditions separated Eastern Anatolian Highland…

BURSICH, Daniele

The Urban Sanctuary of Selinus: the New Organization of the Sacred Space post 408 BC. through the Analysis of the Streets

The study conducted, never done in Selinus (Sicily - Italy), on the road systems and negative signs found along the streets of the Urban Sanctuary, use a spread variety of methodologies: from 3D scanning to space syntax analysis, from lidar mapping to 3D GIS. The study allow to reconstruct how chang…

CHELAZZI, Francesca / GLATZ, Claudia / KASAPIDOU, Georgia / HASSAN, Hoshyar

Unraveling the Environmental History of the Western Zagros Piedmont at the Time of Early States

For nearly a century, archaeological studies of 4th millennium BCE Southwest Asia have focused on the founding narrative of the State, searching for signs of ‘social complexity’ based on evidence from a small number of key sites. However, many of these studies suffer from a core-centrism, overlookin…


“Cultural Transformations and Ceramic Production: Petrographic Insights from Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age at Zeytinli Bahçe Höyük”

The site of Zeytinli Bahçe Höyük, located near Birecik in the province of Şanlıurfa (Turkey), offers valuable insights into the cultural history of the Middle Euphrates Valley across millennia. Its strategic position and extensive stratigraphic sequence, spanning from the 4th millennium BC to the la…


Geoarchaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Holocene Climate-Environment-Human Interactions in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

During the Late Quaternary, Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) played a pivotal role in several major human events, including the dispersal of Homo across Asia and Europe, the origins of agriculture, early urbanization, and the formation of the first state entities. A geoarchaeological approach was used…

2. Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Ancient Economies

ARIMURA, Motoharu

Reconsidering the Production and Distribution of 'Black Lustrous Wheel-Made Ware' Based on Finds from the Nile Valley

In the second millennium BCE, pottery suitable for long-distance transport of contents, such as oil, food, and raw materials, began to be produced and distributed across regions in the Eastern Mediterranean. One such group of pottery is known as "Black Lustrous Wheel-made Ware." This pottery was dis…

HEGAZI, Hossam

A Case Study: The Impact of Environmental Changes on Survival Strategies and Social Development in Ebla During the 3rd Millennium BCE

This study aims to explore how environmental changes influenced survival strategies and social development in the ancient city of Ebla during the 3rd millennium BCE. It focuses on the city's response to environmental challenges such as floods and droughts, and how these challenges impacted its socia…

HENSE, Oliver

Title: Reconstructing Modes of Pottery Production and Acquisition at a Middle Assyrian Dunnu: The Case of Muqable

Muqable is situated in the Selevani-Plain in the Duhok Governorate of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq. The level 5 settlement was identified as a Middle Assyrian dunnu, i. e. a fortified farmstead that was granted to an individual by the Assyrian king. Based on textual evidence from the site itself, it…

HINKS, Megan

Reevaluating the Role of Bitumen in Mesopotamian Economic Systems: a Comparative Review of the Textual and Scientific Evidence

While raw materials such as metal and ceramics have been extensively studied in the context of ancient Mesopotamian economic processes, bitumen has received comparatively less attention. Widespread in Mesopotamia both geographically and temporally, bitumen was involved in most aspects of subsistence…


New Theoretical Approaches in Economic Cultural Evolutionary Theory: a New Understanding of the Implementation and Mutation of Ptolemaic Fiscal Institutions

The First Millennium BC saw the development and spread of Greek fiscal institutions like tax farming, state monopolies, banking, coinage, and auctions. These practices gradually reached Egypt from the Near East and the Greek world, but Alexander the Great's campaigns and eventually Ptolemaic rule in…

VALENTE, Tatiana

The Dynamics Behind Ritual Economies: An Artefactual Approach to a Southeast Arabian Iron Age Case-Study

It has long been observed that ritual practices integrated with and even influenced the economic system of societies Worldwide, and such was no different in Southeast Arabian Iron Age. However, the dynamics behind it have never been adequately understood. In many sites, such as Bithnah, Mudhmar, or …

3. Urban and Landscape Studies: Finding Interpretative Approaches

BRUNT, Daisy

Creating Imperial Landscapes: Shifting Settlement Patterns and Agricultural Management Strategies in the Middle Assyrian Tal’afar (1400 – 1000 Bce)

This paper explores the settlement patterns and economic landscapes of the mid to late 2nd millennium using unpublished data from the Tal’Afar Plain Survey to understand the changing agricultural management strategies which spanned the Mittanian (ca. 1600-1400 BCE) and Middle Assyrian periods (ca. 1…


The Control over the Lake and Mountains. a Reconstruction of Settlement Pattern of the Lake Sevan Basin During the Middle Bronze Age

Lake Sevan in Armenia has always had a strategic role in the South Caucasus, as well as Lake Van and Orumiyeh. During the Bronze Age, a dense occupation that changed over time but was always functional to the control of access to the lake and the resources that characterise the nearby mountainous ar…

DE MAGISTRIS, Francesco Ignazio

Logistical Network and Foreign Policy: Analysing the Egyptian Conquest of the Levant During the 18th Dynasty

“War is politics by other means” and “no army can march on an empty stomach” are two adages that are rarely combined in historical studies. In this presentation, I will argue two points: first, that during their Levantine campaigns, the Egyptians of the 18th Dynasty established a logistical network …


Proto-Urban Trajectories in Northern Mesopotamia. Gird-i Matrab in the Erbil Plain (Kurdistan Region of Iraq)

This paper presents a preliminary contextualization of the Late Chalcolithic evidence emerged at the site of Gird-i Matrab and their meaning in relation to phenomena of early urbanism in Northern Mesopotamia. Gird-i Matrab is a multi-period site, with a long sequence of occupation, from the 5th mill…

DORO, Lisa / CARLETTI, Elena

New Prehistoric Evidence in the Zagros. Preliminary Results of an Intensive Survey in the Foothills of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the Prehistoric landscape resulting from the survey campaigns carried out in 2023-2024 by the Piedmont Region Archaeological Project (PiRAP) within the Zagros Foothills of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. One of the PiRAP project's goals is to study the set…


Settlement Pattern of the Ninevite 5 Culture (3000-2500 BCE) from Northern Mesopotamia: Gis and Multivariate Statistics Applied to the Study of the Historical Landscape.

The Ninevite 5 culture (Early Bronze Age) is formed by a heterogeneous assembly of sites of very varied sizes, distributed in a wide area of the northern Mesopotamian plains. Most of those settlements have not been studied from a global perspective due to modern-day political borders and unmatching …


The Early Bronze Age Occupation in the Madaba Region of Jordan: Landscape Approaches to Archaeological Data

Since Glueck’s first systematic survey in 1934, many excavation and survey projects have focused on the Early Bronze Age of Jordan, but some areas are better known than other for the fourth and third millennia BCE. Current maps of the Early Bronze Age in the Madaba region are focused on a few major …

LIBERATI, Cristiana / INDINO, Lorenzo

How the Climate Change Influenced the Subsistence Strategies in the Ancient Kingdom of Ugarit During the Late Bronze Age (1550-1190 B.C.)

The application of new environmental modelling techniques to the ancient kingdom of Ugarit, modern Ras Shamra, in the second half of the 2nd millennium B.C. allows a quantitative reconstruction of the resources present in the area, leading to the identification of primary subsistence strategies and …

MARIANI, Eleonora / CAVALIERE, Francesca

Walking the Kassites: The ‘aqar Qūf Survey and the Functional Organization of a Late Bronze Age Capital City

The Abu Ghraib Survey Project has been carried out jointly by the University of Bologna and the SBAH in the district of Abu Ghraib between October 2022 and January 2024, under the direction of N. Marchetti. During its three campaigns, part of the project focused on the intensive survey of the Kassit…


Archaeological Landscapes at Dehqaed, Southern Iran

Located in the Borazjan plain of Bushehr province, north of the Persian Gulf, the modern village of Dehqaed sits near a cluster of ancient mounds that mark the remains of a long-lost townOur project focuses on the investigation of the ancient Dehqaed site, which has been largely underexplored in pre…

4. Crafting Identity and Clusters through Material Culture, Iconography and Texts

AYERS, Natasha

Complex Identities and Community Memberships in Second Intermediate Period and Early New Kingdom Egypt

In spite of recent progress in identity studies in Egyptology, the diversity visible in material culture and practice often is forced to fit into rigid cultural boxes, like ‘Egyptian’ or ‘Nubian’. The simplistic culture-historical view does not make space for the multifaceted identities and group me…


Cultural Interactions and Pottery Evolution on the Tehran Plain: Navigating Uruk and Proto-Elamite Identities During the Late Chalcolithic Period

Throughout the history of the Ancient Near East, the lowland civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Iranian Highlands have maintained dynamic interactions that influenced both regions. These exchanges contributed to a blending of cultural traits, especially evident on the Iranian Central Plateau, whic…

BERTI, Bianca Eugenia

Painted Wares Between Middle and Late Bronze Age: What can the Continuity of Material Culture Tell Us About Identity?

Material culture - in the absence of textual sources and in the context of limited iconographic manifestations such as those of the Middle Bronze Age southern Levant - is a valuable tool for understanding how people in past societies constructed identities and forged connections across space and tim…


Building Social Identity. Settlement Organization and Architecture in Eastern Anatolia During the Ubaid and Post-Ubaid Periods

Recent research in Northern Mesopotamia has raised the question of both when and how the Ubaid period collapsed in the peripheral areas of Greater Mesopotamia: aim of this paper is to contribute to this debate by analysing Late Ubaid and Early Post-Ubaid settlements in eastern Anatolia. Over the las…

BIGOT, Cécile

all the Same in the Netherworld? a Case-Study for Assessing Identity and Social Markers in Diyala and Middle Tigris Burials

I propose to present the results of a systematic analysis of the anthropological data (burial practices, ceramics and artefacts, depositions) offered by the excavations in 12 sites along the Diyala River and the Middle Tigris in Mesopotamia, covering the second half of the 2nd millennium. I wish to …


From Ovens to Pots. Cooking and Consumption Patterns Between the Late Neolithic and the Chalcolithic in the Eastern Tigris Region

This paper aims to explore patterns in food preparation and consumption between the Halaf and Ubaid periods (5500-4500 BCE) in the Eastern Tigris region in Mesopotamia through an integrated analysis of fire installations and ceramic vessels. Using the site of Helawa in the Erbil Plain as the main ca…

CIOFFI, Carolina

Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Jordan: Ceramic Horizons and Technical Know-How from the Formation to the Crisis of Early Urban Communities

The history of the Southern Levant during the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3800-1950 BCE) is marked by progressive urbanization and a rich variety of material culture. The urban dynamics of this region have sparked extensive debate over conceptual and chronological issues concerning urban development, phas…


Kings, Priests and Ancestors: The Shaping and Celebration of Middle Bronze Age Northern Levantine Elites Through Visual Media as Seen from Tell Mardikh/Ebla.

The site of Tell Mardikh/ancient Ebla is highly renowned for the richness of its material culture, especially for what concerns Early Bronze Age IVA-B and Middle Bronze Age I-II. Indeed, this abundance of data has made possible, since the beginning of the excavations in 1964, to offer detailed and s…


Crafting Identities Through Textiles: The Iberian Culture Between Local and Near-Eastern Traditions

The koine in which the cultures of the Mediterranean lived during Protohistory promoted the reception of new influences and the inclusion and/or adaptation of diverse customs. In this context, fashion and textiles played a crucial role as vehicles for the transmission of ideas and models rooted in a…

FRANCO, Eleonora Maria Lucia

Title: Late Iron Age and Hellenistic Pottery from Aliawa and Gird-i Matrab (Iraqi Kurdistan): Cultural Markers Between Continuity and Change.

This paper aims to outline the chronological and cultural markers that characterized the pottery production in the Erbil Plain (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) during the Late Iron Age (6th – 4th BCE) and the Hellenistic period (331-141 BCE), focusing on elements of continuity from the Assyrian tradition …

GALLI, Ludovica

Identities Carved in Stone. Sarcophagi as Means of Social Crafting and Personal Identification in Late Period Egypt.

This paper, which is the outcome of my MA thesis, wishes to investigate the crucial role that sarcophagi played in shaping social identity in Late Period Egypt (second half of the First Millennium BCE). By taking into account a wide sample of artefacts coming from all over the country and by analyzi…

GASPARRO, Onofrio / DAN, Roberto / PETROSYAN, Artur

A Heritage Crafted in Stone. Reconceptualizing Local Identities Through the Katchkars of Jrarat, Kotayk Region, Armenia

Investigations at the site of Jrarat have been undertaken as part of the Armenian-Italian archaeological mission operating in Kotayk since 2013 (Kotayk Survey Project). The site, located in the Marmarik River valley, is distinguished by a cemetery area that shows a very long, non-continuous human pr…

GÜR, Selin

The Power of Language in Identity Formation

In the 1st century BC, Cilicia underwent significant changes with the decline of the Seleucid Empire and the rise of Roman influence. The Romans brought stability and reduced piracy after Cilicia became a Roman province However, Greek continued to be the primary language of the local population, whi…

LEWIS, Michael / RENETTE, Steve / TOMÉ, André

Ongoing Excavations of the Early Bronze Age Strata at Kani Shaie, Iraqi Kurdistan (2023 – 2024).

Excavations in 2023 and 2024 at Kani Shaie, located in the Bazian Basin, Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan have continued to explore the transition between the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (late 4th – early 3rd millennia BCE). Here, several successive phases of occupation feature large scale s…


Distribution of Miniature Pottery in the Memphite Area During the Old Kingdom: New Evidence from the Sun Temple of Nyuserra at Abu Ghurab (Egypt)

Miniature pottery represents a category of material culture of great symbolic and ritual value in Old Kingdom Egypt, and is widely attested in temple and funerary contexts all over the Memphite area. However, its spatial distribution remains partially unexplored, as much as the functional differenti…


Sicily's Missing Link: Reassessing Prestige Goods and Early Iron Trade Networks in the Central Mediterranean

Scholars of Mediterranean history have long emphasized the role of islands as central hubs in early human mobility. Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has frequently been discussed in relation to exchange networks. One area where Sicily has been largely overlooked is in the Iron Age trade of …


‘my Vulva is the Vulva of a Bitch! His Penis is the Penis of a Dog’: Representation of Women in Nīš Libbi Therapies

The libbu inaššīšu or nīš libbi corpus (lit. raising of heart/ emotion/ thoughts) (Couto-Ferreira 2009; Zisa 2021), spanned across Old Babylonian period to first millennium BCE, deals with the diagnoses and recovery of “sexual desire” in Ancient Mesopotamia. Despite having dealt as a repertoire conc…


Pyro-Structures and Socialisation Processes in Monumental Buildings Between the 4th and the 3rd Millennium BCE

At the end of the 3rd millennium BCE in southern Mesopotamia, kitchen complexes equipped with large ovens were associated with temples and ziggurats. These complexes indicate the organisation of feasting as part of regular religious ceremonies within temple estates. Prior to the installation of stan…


The Fourth Millenium BC among the Southern Levant, the Negev, and the Sinai Peninsula: Conversation Between Groups and Traditions

In the last decades, the debate on the relationship between urban and marginal areas has become increasingly lively, attempting to escape the dichotomy of centre and periphery. The Arad Plain is a privileged place to observe these interactions in the Southern Levant. In this area, during the 4th mil…


Technological Shifts in Maritime Communities: From Shell to Copper Fishhooks in South Ash-Sharqiyyah Region (Oman)

The replacement of shell fishhooks with copper fishhooks marked a significant advancement for coastal fishing communities in South-Eastern Arabia and the Gulf during the late 4th to early 3rd millennia BCE. This paper aims to analyze the archaeological contexts and typological features of these arti…


Material Culture and Crafting Social Identity: Exploring Funerary Practices and Cross-Cultural Interactions in the Middle Bronze Age Levant

Building on the author’s ongoing PhD research, this paper will explore the funerary contexts of the Levant during the Middle Bronze Age by delving into the various elements of material culture, - pottery, jewellery, weapons, and other personal items -, discovered in the tombs. The varied composition…


The Falcon (buru4mušen) in the Great Ritual and the Archives of the Palace G of Ebla: An Emblem of Eblaite Royalty from the 24th Century BC

More than fifty years after the discovery of the royal archives of Ebla, the royal Eblaite ideology remains largely a mystery, due in part to the fundamentally economic-administrative nature of the documentation. In this context, the bird known as buru4mušen stands out for being one of the most myst…


Another Piece of the Puzzle: The Iron Age Pottery from Mishrifeh in the Regional Ceramic Horizon of Central-Western Syria

Mishrifeh, ancient Qatna, is a site located in the mid-Orontes Valley in central-western Syria and was excavated by a Syro-Italian-German Expedition from 1999 to 2010. The Italian mission excavated various areas of the upper and lower town, exposing a stratigraphic sequence from the Early Bronze Age…

5. Public Engagement and Cultural Heritage. The Role of Communication and Dissemination in the Humanities

Keynote lecture: ZAINA, Federico

Cultural Heritage and the Anthropocene. A Multistakeholder Challenge for Documenting, Protecting and Communicating our Past

Using examples from previous fieldwork in NE Iran and the South Caucasus, and current fieldwork in southern Iraq, I will discuss the value of diachronic, multi-scalar and multidisciplinary approaches to unpacking and interpreting the complex archaeological landscapes of southwest Asia. In addition t…


Reflections on some Aspects of the Emirati, Omani and Saudi Codes of Laws Concerning their National Heritage and Its Sustainability

The conservation and restoration procedures on cultural heritage nowadays are regulated by a series of international codes, charters and recommendations, as well as by the national laws of each country. These legal codes detail and explain the different actors, criteria and methodologies involved in…


Pedagogical Approaches in Archaeology and Heritage Education from the Ancient Near East: a Freirean Perspective

This paper investigates ways to bridge the gap between the public and Near Eastern archaeology, focusing on how interactions in excavations taken by non-archaeologists are influential in shaping further activities to the broader public in museum settings. Drawing on Professor Paulo Freire’s critical…


Studies in the Architecture of Sasanian Zoroastrian Fire Temples and their Relationship to the Astrological Concepts of Chronocratoria and Melothesia.

This thesis explores the architecture of Sasanian Zoroastrian fire temples and their connection to the astrological concepts of melothesia and chronocratoria. Melothesia refers to the influence of celestial bodies on different parts of the human body, while chronocratoria deals with the rulership of…

NABATI MAZLOUMI, Yasaman / TAHIR, Chang Farhan / SIMI, Francesca

“Braided Engagement” a New Concept to Community Participation in Archaeology and Heritage Practices.

The University of Udine’s “The Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project” (LoNAP), in close cooperation with the Duhok Directorate of Antiquities & Heritage, has been working on the creation of the “Archaeological Park of the Duhok Governorate Ancient Irrigation System”. This will be the first ever…


Engaging Children in Understanding the Local Heritage: a Preliminary Report of the Second Fieldwork in Sirwan Valley, Iraqi Kurdistan

‘Engagement, ‘outreach’, ‘participation’ and other similar words are all terms that have been used when referring to any public activity in archaeology and heritage practice. Different terminologies reflect the variety of perspectives on the topic of public engagement in archaeology as well as the a…


Ethical Considerations in Italian Archaeological Research in the Mena Region. Ensuring Integrity in Cultural Heritage Investigations in Sensitive Areas

This contribution presents a Ph.D. project based at Sapienza Università di Roma, in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage and Ethics Research Unit of the CNR CID Ethics and ISPC. The project aims at identifying and analyzing ethical issues in “sensitive” contexts within the MENA region, beginning…


“The Mummy of Ramses. the Immortal Pharaoh” a Multisensory Experience at the Museum of Near East, Egypt and Mediterranean of Sapienza University of Rome

This paper explores the public response to “The mummy of Ramses. The immortal pharaoh,” a multisensory exhibition held at the Museum of Near East, Egypt, and Mediterranean at Sapienza University of Rome. Created in collaboration with FabLab SAPeri&Co., the event allowed visitors to interact dire…

Poster Session


Gu'abba and Its District in the Neo-Sumerian Period.

The poster presents an ongoing research about the coastal district of Ĝirsu-Lagaš province: it addresses its landscape context and the location of the main anthropic elements and urban settlements attested in the numerous written artefacts found in Ĝirsu. New epigraphic and archaeological methodolog…



Shaping Identity: Neolithic Statuary in the Levant

This poster explores the significance of Neolithic statuary in the Levant, focusing on the period from approximately 8,000 to 6,500 BCE. During this transformative era, the emergence of agricultural societies led to profound shifts in cultural and artistic expression. The statuary, often depicting h…