4. Crafting Identity and Clusters through Material Culture, Iconography and Texts
Keynote lecture:
BADER, Bettina
Using examples from previous fieldwork in NE Iran and the South Caucasus, and current
fieldwork in southern Iraq, I will discuss the value of diachronic, multi-scalar and multidisciplinary
approaches to unpacking and interpreting the complex archaeological landscapes of southwest Asia.
In addition t…
This paper examines the persistent chronological challenges in Iron Age research from the Northern Jordanian Plateau, which obstruct accurate interpretations of settlement patterns and sociopolitical structures. Despite ongoing research, gaps in the current chronology prevent a comprehensive reconst…
AYERS, Natasha
In spite of recent progress in identity studies in Egyptology, the diversity visible in material culture and practice often is forced to fit into rigid cultural boxes, like ‘Egyptian’ or ‘Nubian’. The simplistic culture-historical view does not make space for the multifaceted identities and group me…
Throughout the history of the Ancient Near East, the lowland civilizations of Mesopotamia and
the Iranian Highlands have maintained dynamic interactions that influenced both regions. These
exchanges contributed to a blending of cultural traits, especially evident on the Iranian Central
Plateau, whic…
BERTI, Bianca Eugenia
Material culture - in the absence of textual sources and in the context of limited iconographic manifestations such as those of the Middle Bronze Age southern Levant - is a valuable tool for understanding how people in past societies constructed identities and forged connections across space and tim…
Recent research in Northern Mesopotamia has raised the question of both when and how the Ubaid period collapsed in the peripheral areas of Greater Mesopotamia: aim of this paper is to contribute to this debate by analysing Late Ubaid and Early Post-Ubaid settlements in eastern Anatolia. Over the las…
BIGOT, Cécile
I propose to present the results of a systematic analysis of the anthropological data (burial practices, ceramics and artefacts, depositions) offered by the excavations in 12 sites along the Diyala River and the Middle Tigris in Mesopotamia, covering the second half of the 2nd millennium. I wish to …
This paper aims to explore patterns in food preparation and consumption between the Halaf and Ubaid periods (5500-4500 BCE) in the Eastern Tigris region in Mesopotamia through an integrated analysis of fire installations and ceramic vessels. Using the site of Helawa in the Erbil Plain as the main ca…
CIOFFI, Carolina
The history of the Southern Levant during the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3800-1950 BCE) is marked by progressive urbanization and a rich variety of material culture. The urban dynamics of this region have sparked extensive debate over conceptual and chronological issues concerning urban development, phas…
D'ORAZIO, Claudia
Recent finds from the Storm God temple area at Karkemish, consisting in a figured ostrakon and an incised small limestone block, provide an opportunity to reassess the evidence for popular art in the Northern Levant during the early Iron Age in connection with cultic contexts and other forms of non-…
The site of Tell Mardikh/ancient Ebla is highly renowned for the richness of its material culture, especially for what concerns Early Bronze Age IVA-B and Middle Bronze Age I-II. Indeed, this abundance of data has made possible, since the beginning of the excavations in 1964, to offer detailed and s…
FANTONI, Caterina
Niğde-Kınık Höyük, located on the northeastern edge of the Bor-Ereğli plain in southern Cappadocia, occupies a pivotal position along major ancient trade and communication routes connecting Central Anatolia with the Levant. This location underlines the site's historical significance, making it a foc…
The koine in which the cultures of the Mediterranean lived during Protohistory promoted the reception of new influences and the inclusion and/or adaptation of diverse customs. In this context, fashion and textiles played a crucial role as vehicles for the transmission of ideas and models rooted in a…
This research investigates the phenomenon of Minonaizing frescoes, studying five sites located in the Levant and Egypt (Alalakh, Qatna, Tell el-Burak, Tell el-Dab’a, Tel Kabri).
Past research on the archeological data and the technological studies on the plaster fragments have established that the f…
FRANCO, Eleonora Maria Lucia
This paper aims to outline the chronological and cultural markers that characterized the pottery production in the Erbil Plain (Kurdistan Region of Iraq) during the Late Iron Age (6th – 4th BCE) and the Hellenistic period (331-141 BCE), focusing on elements of continuity from the Assyrian tradition …
GALLI, Ludovica
This paper, which is the outcome of my MA thesis, wishes to investigate the crucial role that sarcophagi played in shaping social identity in Late Period Egypt (second half of the First Millennium BCE). By taking into account a wide sample of artefacts coming from all over the country and by analyzi…
GASPARRO, Onofrio /
DAN, Roberto /
Investigations at the site of Jrarat have been undertaken as part of the Armenian-Italian archaeological mission operating in Kotayk since 2013 (Kotayk Survey Project). The site, located in the Marmarik River valley, is distinguished by a cemetery area that shows a very long, non-continuous human pr…
GÜR, Selin
In the 1st century BC, Cilicia underwent significant changes with the decline of the Seleucid Empire and the rise of Roman influence. The Romans brought stability and reduced piracy after Cilicia became a Roman province However, Greek continued to be the primary language of the local population, whi…
KORNAS, Klaudia
The paper is an attempt to re-evaluate the interpretation of the visual identity of Akhenaten and his family. Based on the most representative sources, such as the Cairo relief TR I will argue that the new visual identity of the royal family was created not only with the innovative, but a…
LANZ, Viktoria
A wide distribution of incense burners suggests they held an important place in
antiquity’s ritual and private life. Researchers mainly focus on incense burners from
the Levant and Mediterranean regions, where numerous specimens can be categorised
within this object group. Few original examples seem…
LEWIS, Michael /
RENETTE, Steve /
TOMÉ, André
Excavations in 2023 and 2024 at Kani Shaie, located in the Bazian Basin, Sulaymaniyah, Iraqi Kurdistan have continued to explore the transition between the Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age (late 4th – early 3rd millennia BCE). Here, several successive phases of occupation feature large scale s…
Miniature pottery represents a category of material culture of great symbolic and ritual value in Old Kingdom Egypt, and is widely attested in temple and funerary contexts all over the Memphite area. However, its spatial distribution remains partially unexplored, as much as the functional differenti…
Scholars of Mediterranean history have long emphasized the role of islands as central hubs in early human mobility. Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, has frequently been discussed in relation to exchange networks. One area where Sicily has been largely overlooked is in the Iron Age trade of …
The libbu inaššīšu or nīš libbi corpus (lit. raising of heart/ emotion/ thoughts) (Couto-Ferreira 2009; Zisa 2021), spanned across Old Babylonian period to first millennium BCE, deals with the diagnoses and recovery of “sexual desire” in Ancient Mesopotamia. Despite having dealt as a repertoire conc…
O'BRIEN, Louise
The Hawara mummy portraits, first discovered by WM Flinders Petrie in 1888, present a fusion of classical art styles and Egyptian burial practices. Spanning from 100 BC to AD 300, they serve as snapshots into the lives and deaths of elite individuals at Arsinoe, during a transformative period of Egy…
At the end of the 3rd millennium BCE in southern Mesopotamia, kitchen complexes equipped with large ovens were associated with temples and ziggurats. These complexes indicate the organisation of feasting as part of regular religious ceremonies within temple estates. Prior to the installation of stan…
In the last decades, the debate on the relationship between urban and marginal areas has become increasingly lively, attempting to escape the dichotomy of centre and periphery. The Arad Plain is a privileged place to observe these interactions in the Southern Levant. In this area, during the 4th mil…
The replacement of shell fishhooks with copper fishhooks marked a significant advancement for coastal fishing communities in South-Eastern Arabia and the Gulf during the late 4th to early 3rd millennia BCE. This paper aims to analyze the archaeological contexts and typological features of these arti…
Building on the author’s ongoing PhD research, this paper will explore the funerary contexts of the Levant during the Middle Bronze Age by delving into the various elements of material culture, - pottery, jewellery, weapons, and other personal items -, discovered in the tombs.
The varied composition…
SABBINI, Claudia
Those aspects of material culture that we choose to display everyday inevitably take on a form of nonverbal communication that speaks of one’s perceived identity and may permeate several layers of the objects in question: raw material, technology, manufacturing process, shape and function. How can w…
The site of Dalma Tepe is considered the origin of a prehistoric tradition in northwest Iran, dating to the 5th millennium BC. Although the site was briefly investigated in the 1960s, only a few additional sites attributed to the "Dalma tradition" have been identified since, and a comprehensive regi…
SAVELLI, Alessia
During the excavations campaigns in 1946-49 , Iraqui archaeologist Fuad Safar described more than 190 graves in Eridu Cemetery . Here we report new insights into construction tecnique emerged from 10 never excaved before graves . These graves have been dug during the archaelogical mission of Sapienz…
More than fifty years after the discovery of the royal archives of Ebla, the royal Eblaite ideology remains largely a mystery, due in part to the fundamentally economic-administrative nature of the documentation. In this context, the bird known as buru4mušen stands out for being one of the most myst…
VEREŠOVÁ, Veronika
Compared to gold, silver was rather rare in Ancient Egypt during the 2nd millennium, mainly due to the scarcity of its sources in the Nile Valley. Nevertheless, silver objects appear in greater quantities in several contexts, which are predominantly funerary in nature. These items, often of personal…
VIGGIANO, Ylenia Pia
Moulded bricks are considered one of the architectural trademarks of Late Bronze age Mesopotamia and SW Iran. New moulded bricks were recovered during the first campaign of 2024 by the Iraqi-Italian archaeological expedition at ‘Aqar Qūf by the University of Bologna and the Iraqi SBAH, directed by N…
Mishrifeh, ancient Qatna, is a site located in the mid-Orontes Valley in central-western Syria and was excavated by a Syro-Italian-German Expedition from 1999 to 2010. The Italian mission excavated various areas of the upper and lower town, exposing a stratigraphic sequence from the Early Bronze Age…