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The Iron Age City Planning Sequence at Tell Afis. Looking for Social Change.

CARLETTI, Margherita

The Northern Levant, at the beginning of the first millennium BCE, experienced a phase characterized by the floruit of different kingdoms known in the literature as Syro-Anatolian states. Tell Afis, the ancient Hazrek, was the capital of one of these new kingdoms. This site has been excavated for more than 20 years and a significant portion of the settlement has been dug revealing a long Iron Age architectural sequence. The deep urban transformation of the Tell is the reflection of a new power organization, both at Tell Afis and at many other settlements in the region. This work presents the full urban sequence of Tell Afis from Late Bronze Age to Iron Age III by using the archaeological data as the starting point for an urban diachronic analysis of the settlement finalized to follow the parabola of the city: from the instability at the end of the second millennium, to the new expression of the political autonomy and the planning of a new city, until the Assyrian conquered.

Session 3. Urban and Landscape Studies: Finding Interpretative Approaches [info]