Breaking Down the Scenes: a Quantitative Approach to the Interpretation of the Iconography of Arslantepe via Glyptics.
VESE, Jasmine
The study of seals from the VIA period of Arslantepe (Late Chalcolithic 5, 3400-3100 BCE) is based on the analysis of 2145 clay sealings coming from a same architectural context. These sealings, used to seal containers and preserved for accounting purposes, primarily for managing goods, have made it possible to reconstruct the administrative organization of the context. In the past, empirical investigations of iconographic elements and stylistic aspects conducted by M. Frangipane, H. Pittman and colleagues (Frangipane et al. 2007) allowed the seals to be classified into 18 groups. This study aimed to verify whether these groups can be confirmed using a quantitative approach, transforming raw descriptive information into structured and analyzable data, compiled into a database and excluding stylistic categories often based on subjective evaluations. The subsequent application of multivariate statistical analysis techniques (Correspondence Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis) has allowed the exploration of iconographic relationships and relevant patterns. Despite the large number of variables reflecting the iconographic variety, it has been possible to isolate groups the interpretation of which might contribute to a re-evaluation of social dynamics and economic relationships.
Session 4. Crafting Identity and Clusters through Material Culture, Iconography and Texts [info]