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Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Period Mudbrick Architectures of Mesopotamia (4th C. BCE – Early 1st C. BCE)

LA PORTA, Giuseppe Salvatore Michele

This poster presents the preliminary results of an on-going research on the forms and spaces of mudbrick architectures in greater Mesopotamia during the Seleucid period (late 4th – late 2nd c. BCE), and particularly in rural contexts. Through the analysis of case studies from the upper Euphrates region, the Syrian-Iraqi Jazira, and the central-southern alluvium I aim at discussing patterns of tradition and innovation in the construction of the built space, both in the private and public sphere. Newly collected evidence from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq will also enrich the discussion. By analysing the building materials, the construction techniques, and the spatial arrangements (of both single buildings and within the settlement layout), I plan to explore the mechanics of reception of and/or response to global trends in semi-marginal areas of the vast Seleucid territory

Session 3. Urban and Landscape Studies: Finding Interpretative Approaches [info]