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9:00-9:30 Registration (Room 110)
Aula Magna
9:30-11:00 Conference Opening
Opening Remarks by the Organizing Committee
Welcome addresses
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Chair Davide Nadali
11:30-12:15 Keynote Session 1
Prof. Marcella Frangipane
Archaeology as a ‘Global’ Science. Overcoming Disciplinary Boundaries in the Era of Hyper Specialisation for a Comprehensive Reconstruction of Past Societies
12:15-13:00 Keynote Session 2
Prof. Jana Mynářová
Gifts of Power: Economy and Diplomacy in Ancient Near Eastern Texts
13:00-14:30 Lunch Break
Chair Marta D'Andrea
14:30-15:15 Keynote Session 3
Prof. Kristen Hopper (R)
Landscapes studies in SW Asia: Interpreting the Past and Thinking to the Future
15:15-16:00 Keynote Session 4
Dr. Bettina Bader
Multiple Choice(s): Material Culture and Expressions of Identity
16:00-16:45 Keynote Session 5
Dr. Federico Zaina
Cultural Heritage and the Anthropocene. A Multistakeholder Challenge for Documenting, Protecting and Communicating our Past
17:30-20:00 Opening Reception (at the ISO in front of Aula Magna)
Room 106 Room 107 Room 109
Chair Luca Peyronel Marta D'Andrea Bettina Bader
9:30-10:00 Luca Forti
Geoarchaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Holocene Climate-environment-human Interactions in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Giulia Magnani
Distribution of Miniature Pottery in the Memphite area during the Old Kingdom: New Evidence from the Sun Temple of Nyuserra at Abu Ghurab (Egypt)
10:00-10:30 Francesca Chelazzi, Claudia Glatz, Georgia Kasapidou, Hoshyar Hassan
Unraveling the Environmental History of the Western Zagros Piedmont at the Time of Early States
Nicola Lanzaro
The Early Bronze Age Occupation in the Madaba Region of Jordan: Landscape Approaches to Archaeological Data
Veronika Verešová
Silver Assemblages in 2nd Millennium Egypt and their Owners
10:30-11:00 Alper Aslan
Long-term Population Dynamics and Human-environment Interactions from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age in Eastern Anatolian Highlands, Türkiye
Cristiana Liberati, Lorenzo Indino (R)
How the Climate Change influenced the Subsistence Strategies in the Ancient Kingdom of Ugarit during the Late Bronze Age (1550-1190 B.C.)
Klaudia Kornas
The Iconography of Akhenaten and His Family as a Manifestation of a New Visual Identity
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Chair Luca Peyronel Marta D'Andrea Bettina Bader
11:30-12:00 Rosa Crocco (R)
Cultural Transformations and Ceramic Production: Petrographic Insights from Late Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age at Zeytinli Bahçe Höyük
Francesco Ignazio De Magistris
Logistical Network and Foreign Policy: Analysing the Egyptian conquest of the Levant during the 18th Dynasty
Natasha Ayers
Complex Identities and Community Memberships in Second Intermediate Period and early New Kingdom Egypt
12:00-12:30 Giulia Adelaide Grandi
Red Slip Ware: a Chrono-stratigraphic Approach to Middle Bronze Age Pottery (2000-1600 BC)
Margherita Carletti
The Iron Age City Planning Sequence at Tell Afis. Looking for Social Change
Ludovica Galli
Identities Carved in Stone. Sarcophagi as Means of Social Crafting and Personal identification in Late Period Egypt
12:30-13:00 Andrea Cesaretti
The Control over the Lake and Mountains. A Reconstruction of Settlement pattern of the Lake Sevan basin during the Middle Bronze Age
Louise O'Brien (R)
Portraits of Identity: The Hawara Mummy Portraits as Evidence for Elite Multiculturalism in Roman Egypt
13:00-14:30 Lunch Break
Chair Enrico Foietta Michael Lewis Licia Romano
14:30-15:00 Ileana De Giuseppe (R)
Behind Closed Doors: Domestic Spaces and Cultural Identity in the Seleucid Empire
Francesc Xavier Garcia-Ramis, Biel Soriano-Elias (R)
Settlement Pattern of the Ninevite 5 Culture (3000-2500 BCE) from Northern Mesopotamia: GIS and Multivariate Statistics Applied to the Study of the Historical Landscape
15:00-15:30 Daniele Bursich
The Urban Sanctuary of Selinus: the New Organization of the Sacred Space post 408 BC. through the Analysis of the Streets
Charlotte Damiano
Defining the First Cities: Rethinking Urban Identity in Early Mesopotamian Societies
Cecilia Ripamonti
Material Culture and Crafting Social Identity: Exploring Funerary Practices and Cross-cultural Interactions in the Middle Bronze Age Levant
15:30-16:00 Lisa Doro, Elena Carletti
New Prehistoric Evidence in the Zagros. Preliminary Results of an Intensive Survey in the Foothills of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Ylenia Pia Viggiano
Moulding Kassite Identity: Preliminary Observations on New Moulded bricks from ‘Aqar Qūf
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
Chair Lucia Mori Michael Lewis Licia Romano
16:30-17:00 Matthieu Hagenmuller (R)
Rethinking Egyptian Power Structures: Economic Domination, Hegemony and Manpower Control
Elena De Rosa
Public Space and (Proto)-urban Planning: Exploring Alleys, Streets and Squares in the 4th Millennium B.C.
José Pablo Sánchez Muñoz
The Falcon (buru4mušen) in the Great Ritual and the Archives of the Palace G of Ebla: an Emblem of Eblaite Royalty from the 24th Century BC
17:00-17:30 Hossam Hegazi
A Case Study: The Impact of Environmental Changes on Survival Strategies and Social Development in Ebla during the 3rd Millennium BCE
Marta Doglio (R)
Proto-urban Trajectories in Northern Mesopotamia. Gird-i Matrab in the Erbil Plain (Kurdistan Region of Iraq)
Andrea Discepoli
Kings, Priests and Ancestors: The Shaping and Celebration of Middle Bronze Age Northern Levantine Elites Through Visual Media as Seen from Tell Mardikh/Ebla
17:30-18:00 Oliver Hense (R)
Reconstructing Modes of Pottery Production and Acquisition at a Middle Assyrian dunnu: The case of Muqable
Room 106 Room 107 Room 109
Chair Paola Buzi Valentina Oselini Francesca Balossi Restelli
9:30-10:00 Alessandro Piccolo
Forward to the Past.Reflections on Interest Rates in Pharaonic Egypt and the Modern World
Eleonora Mariani, Francesca Cavaliere
Walking the Kassites: The ‘Aqar Qūf Survey and the Functional Organization of a Late Bronze Age Capital City
Michael Campeggi
From Ovens to Pots. Cooking and Consumption Patterns between the Late Neolithic and the Chalcolithic in the Eastern Tigris Region
10:00-10:30 Motoharu Arimura
Reconsidering the Production and Distribution of "Black Lustrous Wheel-made Ware" based on Finds from the Nile Valley
Daisy Brunt
Creating Imperial Landscapes: Shifting Settlement Patterns and Agricultural Management Strategies in the Middle Assyrian Tal'Afar (1400 – 1000 BCE)
Claire Padovani (R)
Pyro-structures and Socialisation Processes in Monumental Buildings between the 4th and the 3rd Millennium BCE
10:30-11:00 Rita Simon (R)
Procurement of Libyan Desert Glass for Tutankhamon's Revitalising Pectoral?
Gabriele Giacosa
After the Storm: Assessing Reoccupation in the Assyrian Heartland after 612 BCE
Michael Lewis, Steve Renette, André Tomé
Ongoing excavations of the Early Bronze Age Strata at Kani Shaie, Iraqi Kurdistan (2023 – 2024)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

Poster Session

13:00-14:30 Lunch Break
Chair Lorenzo Verderame Giulio Maresca Luca Volpi
14:30-15:00 Andrea Rebecca Marrocchi Savoi
Debt as Social Currency: the case of Nippur during Ur III
Enrico Foietta, Jacopo Bruno
Exploring the Emergence and Evolution of the Parthian Iwan
Alessia Savelli
The Ubaid Cemetery of Eridu: insights into newly excavated graves in the 2022-2023 campaigns
15:00-15:30 Megan Hinks
Reevaluating the Role of Bitumen in Mesopotamian Economic Systems: a Comparative Review of the Textual and Scientific Evidence
Zohreh Zehbari, Nasrollah Ebrahimi, Mehrdad Parsae Borazjani
Archaeological Landscapes at Dehqaed, Southern Iran
Sara Quaggio (R)
Technological Shifts in Maritime Communities: From Shell to Copper Fishhooks in South Ash-Sharqiyyah Region (Oman)
15:30-16:00 Tatiana Valente (R)
The Dynamics behind Ritual Economies: an Artefactual Approach to a Southeast Arabian Iron Age Case-Study
Sarvenaz Parsa
Evolution of Sacred Landscapes: Case Study of Chahartaq Monuments in Ancient Persia
Viktoria Lanz (R)
Representations of Mesopotamian Incense Burners on Cylinder Seals and Reliefs and some Original Objects
16:00-16:30 Coffee Break
Chair Marco Ramazzotti Marinella Ceravolo
16:30-17:00 Carlos Fernández Rodríguez (R)
The Impact of Gulf Trade in the Iron Age as viewed from the Oman Peninsula
Saikat Mukherjee
‘My Vulva is the Vulva of a Bitch! His Penis is the Penis of a Dog’: Representation of Women in nīš libbi Therapies
17:00-17:30 Andy Hogan (R)
New Theoretical Approaches in Economic Cultural Evolutionary Theory: A New Understanding of the Implementation and Mutation of Ptolemaic Fiscal Institutions
Cécile Bigot
All the same in the Netherworld? A Case-study for Assessing Identity and Social Markers in Diyala and Middle Tigris Burials
Room 106 Room 107 Room 109
Chair Mohammed Alkhalid Tatiana Pedrazzi Davide Nadali
9:30-10:00 Domizia Paolucci
The Fourth Millenium BC among the Southern Levant, the Negev, and the Sinai Peninsula: Conversation between Groups and Traditions
Yasaman Nabati-Mazloumi
Engaging Children in Understanding the Local Heritage: A Preliminary Report of the Second Fieldwork in Sirwan Valley, Iraqi Kurdistan
Claudia D'Orazio
Evidence for Popular Art at Karkemish and in the Early Iron Age Levant
10:00-10:30 Carolina Cioffi
Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Jordan: Ceramic Horizons and Technical Know-how from the Formation to the Crisis of Early Urban Communities
Hamta Mousavi
Studies in the Architecture of Sasanian Zoroastrian Fire Temples and their Relationship to the Astrological Concepts of Chronocratoria and Melothesia
Caterina Fantoni
Living in the Lower Town: a study of a Middle Iron Age room at Niğde-Kınık Höyük
10:30-11:00 Bianca Eugenia Berti (R)
Painted Wares between Middle and Late Bronze Age: What can the Continuity of Material Culture Tell us about Identity?
Yasaman Nabati Mazloumi, Chang Farhan Tahir, Francesca Simi
“Braided Engagement” a New Concept to Community Participation in Archaeology and Heritage Practices.
Selin Gür
The Power of Language in Identity Formation
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Chair Agnese Vacca Francesca Simi Jacopo Bruno
11:30-12:00 Claudia Sabbini
Pinning Identity on Pins? Exploring Standardization to Investigate Social Perception
Marco Roversi
Ethical Considerations in Italian Archaeological Research in the MENA Region. Ensuring Integrity in Cultural Heritage Investigations in Sensitive Areas
Laith Alshboul
Reassessment of the Iron Age Chronology: Insights from the Northern Jordanian Plateau
12:00-12:30 Elisa Biancifiori
Building Social Identity. Settlement organization and architecture in Eastern Anatolia during the Ubaid and Post-Ubaid Periods
Giulio Vignati
Ancient Near Eastern Collections in Lombardy Museums: a Survey
Laura Zanazzo
Another piece of the Puzzle: the Iron Age Pottery from Mishrifeh in the Regional Ceramic Horizon of Central-Western Syria
12:30-13:00 Soheil Salamat
Dalma in Detail: A Techno-Social Characterization of Dalma Pottery in NW Iran
Paula Gómez Sanz (R)
Reflections on some Aspects of the Emirati, Omani and Saudi Codes of Laws concerning their National Heritage and its Sustainability
Eleonora Maria Lucia Franco
Late Iron Age and Hellenistic Pottery from Aliawa and Gird-I Matrab (Iraqi Kurdistan): Cultural Markers between Continuity and Change
13:00-13:30 Saeed Baghizadeh (R)
Cultural Interactions and Pottery Evolution on the Tehran Plain: Navigating Uruk and Proto-Elamite Identities during the Late Chalcolithic Period
Kayssa Mavrides Sales
Pedagogical Approaches in Archaeology and Heritage Education From the Ancient Near East: a Freirean Perspective
Onofrio Gasparro, Roberto Dan, Artur Petrosyan
A Heritage Crafted in Stone. Reconceptualizing Local Identities through the Katchkars of Jrarat, Kotayk Region, Armenia
13:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-15:45 Plenary Event (Room 107)

On behalf of our partners at UnaQuantum
Dr. Emanuel Demetrescu, Antonio Maria Fini
Synergies between UnaQuantum and Extended Matrix

15:45-16:30 Plenary Event (Room 107)

On behalf of our partners at ISMEO
Prof. Adriano Valerio Rossi
Western Asia in pre-Classical and Classical Times: the ISMEO Perspective


Final Reception
(RUFA Space, Rome University of Fine Arts, Via degli Ausoni, 7, 00185 Roma RM)


Informal Gathering
(RUFA Space, Rome University of Fine Arts, Via degli Ausoni, 7, 00185 Roma RM)